Am Can Ch Rowansgaard Cleo Lane JH WC
Cleo, the grand matriarch of Rowansgaard and its foundation bitch. English import; Excellent sensible temperament, impeccable conformation and field lines. Outstanding brood bitch and producer. Beautiful type, exceptional overall balance and structure; beautifully proportioned and angulated, classic head, lovely movement. Finished Canadian championship Best Puppy in Sporting group, made the cut every specialty attended. Placed 4th in Brood Bitch class FCRSA Specialty 2003, JAM at FCRSC Specialty 2004.
Cleo has also been a much-loved registered therapy dog (now retired) but remains an active 12 year old, swimming daily through the summer. In July 2009, she survived a serious accident with subsequent surgery and extensive rehabilitation. Nevertheless, at the FCRSA Specialty 2010, showing no trace of a limp, she won 4th place ribbon in the 11+ veterans class,(of nine entries). It was an emotional moment for me – I was and am so proud of her: what a trooper!